Movie I can't wait to see – The Life of Pi [I loved the book]
Hairstyle Craze – Big Bun on top of my head, so cuuuute.
Guilty Pleasure – online shopping. I. just. can’t. stop.
Something I want to try – making my own granola and healthy [crunchy] snacks.
Latest Accomplishment – making a memory book for my Grams 90th birthday out of letters from various people she’s known in her life. I learned a lot and she couldn’t stop smiling.
Style at work – Gah, I wish I could wear heels and not be looked at sill-ily. I need to move to Toronto, or New York… a girl can dream.
Favourite Christmas Song – “Baby, it’s cold outside.”
What I want – A piece of jewellery. Something that I can call my own and wear every day; antique rings are my new obsession.
Problem - I don't know what I want for breakfast. Every morning this happens... its terrible.
Someone I miss - My boyfriend [only a few more days till I get to see him]
...I can't shake - my travel bug. I am feeling very antsy lately, more so then normal. I need to work and travel or go on vacation or something...
Something I miss – People being polite, accepting and happy, whatever happened to the world?
I'm slacking at – focusing. Lately I have been brutal.
Food I'm craving – Hummus, all the time.
Can't get enough of – lip chap. The winter is making my skin so dry.
Upcoming Events – Sheepdogs Concert with Ally!
In love with – the snow. Winter is such a gorgeous time of year <3
Quote “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” - Marilyn Monroe [my constant obsession]