The thought repeated itself in my mind, over and over: “You just snowmobiled all day in -30 going God knows how fast, so I think you’ll survive sleeping on an ice bed in an ice hotel at 5 below...”
In actual fact, from the moment we laid
eyes on the Hotel de Glace in Quebec City, it was an adventure. We had just
completed three jam-packed days of sledding in Quebec in what was said to be
the coldest week of winter (a story for a future issue). I have to admit that,
before arriving at the hotel, I did contemplate sleeping in the truck instead.
An array of jokes, witty remarks and alternative sleeping arrangements were
being plotted from the moment we pulled up to the stunning work of art. But in
reality, we were all…[read full story here]

It's that time of year again. When we turn up the deep fryer and ice down the beer, and you can practically feel the calories jump onto your body. Yup – its Superbowl time. And it wouldn't be a true all-American game if we didn't snack through the entire thing. In fact, it is estimated that we will consume 1.23 billion chicken wing portions, 69 million pounds of avocados, 49 million cases of beer, 14 million hamburgers, 11 million pounds of chips, 4 million pounds of pretzels, 3.8 million pounds of popcorn and 2.5 million pounds of nuts this Sunday.
we're all going to end up in a terrible food comma unless we smarten up and
make some healthier snacking choices…[read full story here]
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